Line #3: ActiveSheet.Range(“B5”).Select.Line #2: Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Activate.Line #4: Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Columns(“B:M”).AutoFit.Lines #2 And #3: Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Paste Destination:=Worksheets(“Example 4 – Paste”).Range(“B5:M107”).

Worksheet.Paste VBA Method: Syntax And Parameters.

Excel VBA Copy Paste With The Worksheet.Paste Method.Line #7: Worksheets(“Example 3 – PasteSpecial”).Columns(“B:CZ”).AutoFit.Lines #2 Through #6 Worksheets(“Example 3 – PasteSpecial”).Range(“B5”).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True.Macro Example #3: Copy And Paste Special.The Range.PasteSpecial VBA Method: Syntax And Parameters.Excel VBA Copy Paste With The Range.PasteSpecial Method.The Range.Copy VBA Method: When To Copy To The Clipboard And When To Use The Destination Parameter.Macro Example #2: Copy A Cell Range To A Destination Range.Macro Example #1: Copy A Cell Range To The Clipboard.Macro Examples #1 And #2: The VBA Range.Copy Method.The Range.Copy VBA Method: Syntax And Parameters.Excel VBA Copy Paste With The Range.Copy Method.
In addition to explaining everything you need to know in order to start using these different methods and properties to copy and paste cell ranges, I show you 8 different examples of VBA code that you can easily adjust and use immediately for these purposes. My main objective with this Excel tutorial is to introduce to you the most important VBA methods and properties that you can use for purposes of carrying out these copy and paste activities with Visual Basic for Applications in Excel. However, for purposes of copying and pasting ranges with Visual Basic for Applications, you have a variety of methods to choose from. As you learn in this Excel VBA Tutorial, you can easily copy and paste cell ranges using VBA. You can also copy and paste cells and ranges of cells when working with Visual Basic for Applications. You've probably copied and pasted many cell ranges manually. Copying and pasting a cell range (usually containing data) is an essential skill you'll need when working with Excel VBA. Copy and paste are 2 of the most common Excel operations.